Our Release Orangutans


Dora - Release Date (21 Feb 2023) - Female - age of arrival estimation 2 years old - origin Desa Sosok, Kec. Tayan Hulu, Kab Sanggau - Today age 9 years old -  today orangutan position Jerora Forest School, Sintang, West Borneo.


Jojo- Release date (14 Nov 2017) - Female- age of arrival estimation 3 years old - origin Tempunak, Kab SIntang - Today age 13,8 years old -  today orangutan position Mentibat Release Site, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat.


Juvi - Release date (14 Nov 2017) - Female - age of arrival estimation 4 years old - origin Putusibau, Kab. Kapuas Hulu - Today age 14,7 years old -  today orangutan position Mentibat Release Site, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat.


Cemong - Release date (14 Nov 2017) - Female - age of arrival estimation 2 year old - origin Kab Sekadau - Today age 10 years old -  today orangutan position Mentibat Release Site, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat.


Bembi - Release date (17 April 2018) - Female - age of arrival estimation 3 years old - origin Bonti, Kab Sanggau - Today age 11,9 years old -  today orangutan position Mentibat Release Site, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat.


Moly - Release date (17 April 2018) - Female - age of arrival estimation 2,5 years old - origin Sei Tebelian, Kab Sintang - Today age 10 years old -  today orangutan position Mentibat Release Site, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat.